04 March 2009

MIFF under water.

As you heard about the flash flood in KL yesterday, the worst stricken event was MIFF. The exhibition in Hall 2 was totally submerged.

A few cars (15++) parked beside the river were caught in the flood. 2 of them was slightly washed away and bumped into other car. It was a good variation, as they consisted of Mercedes, BMW and local made cars.

The owners were unaware of the flood as they were in the exhibition hall and they only realized it when it was too late. An announcement was made, instructing everybody inside Hall 1 & 2 to evacuate as the flood was rising, when the cars were already halfway under water.

It was a good show for everyone as crowds gathered to watched the stranded cars. Some of the car's alarm was triggered by the rising water and a few of the owners tried to remove their car, but ended up in failure as they just totally wrecked the engine.

The picture which came out in The Star today was taken below the point where I was watching the flood. The flood water was brownish as it brought together mud from the upper river.

I wonder if one of the guys standing beside me on the walkway was the owner of one of the cars.. The Mercedes maybe?

The Results: